The effect of Chrst should dominate us

The effect of Chrst should dominate us


Ish 49:1-6, Jn 13:21-33.36-38. On this Tuesday of the Holy week, we are drawn closer into the paschal mystery of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, that is, His Hour of Glory. The Suffering Servant Songs of today's first reading reminds us that the Suffering Servant has been called by God before birth to fulfil the ministry of bringing the chosen people into a closer relationship with God. The Suffering Servant expressed that as at the time the mission seems to have been in vain, with the Servant spending all the strength without any apparent success in bringing the people closer to God; yet in the end the Servant is glorified by God and becomes not only the means of saving the chosen people, but also the light to all nations. Jesus came as a revelation of God and the light that enlightens every heart to draw people to God.

The Lord continues to enlighten His own because He truly loves us without reservation. He wants us to be reunited to Him and not be lost forever to Him. That is why He willingly accepted His Passion, endure the worst of sufferings, humiliations, harsh words and marked as a criminal for the crimes that He did not commit. In today's Gospel, Jesus revealed what He would have to endure and revealing the betrayal of Judas Iscariot, who at that time had already possessed the intention to betray Him. As we enter deeper into the mysteries of the Holy week, we are challenged to rediscover our love for God and do our best to embrace His compassionate love and mercy. Let us no longer harden our hearts or allow the devil to mislead us through the path of rebellion and sin. Let us turn away from the wicked ways of this world and all that had kept us from embracing God and His love.

May the Lord unite the faithful to His passion in times of trouble and distress and let the power of His salvation shine forth in our lives! Amen!! Good morning and have a pleasant day!!!

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