Let us Celebrate the institution of the Catholic Priesthood and the Eucharist

Let us Celebrate the institution of the Catholic Priesthood and the Eucharist


Ex. 12:1-8.11-14, 1 Cor. 11:23-26, Jn 13:1-15. The morning Liturgy of Holy Thursday or Maundy Thursday is widely known as the Chrism Mass, with two important ceremonies; the commemoration of the Institution of the Priesthood and consecration and blessing of Oil of Charism, Oil of the sick and Oil of Catechumens. Oil of Chrism is consecrated for the administration of Baptism, Confirmation, Ordination of Priests and Bishops and for the rite of dedication of Churches. Through this Holy Oil, we are configured into Christ and are conferred with the dignity of Prophet, Priest and King, as we are clothed with the garment of that incorruption which is God’s gift. The Oil of the sick is blessed before the end of the Eucharistic Prayer and used in the administration of the anointing of the sick. This oil becomes for anyone who is anointed with it a safeguard for body, mind and spirit, to take away every pain, infirmity and every sickness. While the Oil of Catechumens is blessed after Communion and is used at the administration of the Baptism which render the catechumens free from every foul spirit and make them open to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Through this oil the catechumens are “made worthy of adoption to Sonship and find joy in being born again and living in the Church of God.

The Triduum begins with the evening Liturgy, where we recall the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples, as He institutes the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. These three days celebrate in solemn and dramatic fashion the 'Hour of Glory of Jesus', His giving of Himself, His agony, suffering and death. During the Triduum, we “journey” with Jesus as He celebrates His Last Supper with the Passover rites. The Last Supper was celebrated in the context of the Jewish Passover meal as today’s first reading puts forward. In words and symbols, it recalls the greatest saving act of God in the Old Testament, the exodus from Egypt and setting God’s people free from slavery. It opens us up to the idea that God enters our lives to save and set us free from whatever oppresses us. The Last Supper becomes the first Sacrifice of the Mass, lifted up as offering to God the Father and which is turned into the essence and substance of His own Body and Blood offered on the Altar of the Cross at Calvary, where this Sacrifice is finally completed. On this day, we also remember the ‘Mandate’ from the Lord to His disciples, which is the reason today is also known as "Maundy Thursday", as recorded in today's Gospel. That we practice the custom of washing of the feet during the Mass came about from the action of Jesus, as He humbled Himself like a servant, even a slave, before His disciples and washed their feet. Through utter self-giving, loving-without-limit, Jesus won the power to draw us away from sin and follow His way of love. Total love animated His sacrifice and from it He shares His spirit with us.

May the Lord help us to be drawn into the mystery of our salvation as we recall, reflect and re-live what Jesus has done for us, so that we may remain strong and courageous in leading and serving the world! Amen!! Good morning and happy Anniversary to all the Priests throughout the world!!!

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